Hurley's Studio
Derby Races at Revere Beach
Unfortunately, I have no clue what Hurley's Studio is. (See update below.) Maybe it was the entrance to the Derby Races? What are the Derby races? According to my research on Coney Island. Automated horses ran on tracks, and people bet on which horse would win.
This appears to be a larger track than the one they had at Coney Island. If you look closely, you can see there are about 4 or 5 tracks running the length of this coaster.
Update: I received an email from the Hurley family! Here's what it says:
Hi, Hurley's Studios belonged to my great grandfather, Fred T. Hurley. It was a photography studio. One of the features offered was your picture taken in his car, one of the first cars in Revere, MA. Louise Hurley Carter
Thank you Louise for this information! :)
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