Westerly Beach at Watch Hill

Here's a picture taken at Watch Hill, a popular tourist Beach in Rhode Island.

Watch Hill is a very popular beach with deep soft light yellow sand and there is a lighthouse there, but you have to walk quite a ways to see it.

The whole area is a tourist hotspot, with little shops, a carousel, and some places to stay, like the Watch Hill Inn.

The only thing missing that I could tell was some places to park.

South side of Beach

Everything at the beach of course was fenced off with new fencing, and you can't even get close to the beach.

The waves were crashing. We drove all the way to the end where the bathhouses are, and there is a dog walk there, but during the summer there is restricted parking and no beach parking.

Therefore it seems to me, that the beach is for guests to that little corner of the world, or you would have to ride a bicycle or walk in.

Watch Hill dog walk


From CT, take Exit 92. At the end of the ramp make a right, (this is Hwy. 2) follow it a couple miles and you'll see a sign on your right that says, Westerly Beaches, Hwy. 78. Don't drive too fast or you'll miss it.

Make a right and get up on Hwy. 78, and follow it all the way till you come to a large intersection with a stoplight. Stay in the center lane and go through this stoplight, then follow this road all the way straight and you'll wind up at Watch Hill

As with everything in RI, you can almost bet this information and the rates will eventually change.

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